Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Matthew Evans

And yet another experimental scene, but instead of describing a place, it describes a person.  Instead of creating a whole new character I just reused Sam from one of my previous posts The Visitor.

     Matthew Evans was not an ordinary boy.  In fact he was what some people would call peculiar.  But compared to the circumstances Sam had recently found himself in, nothing seemed strange anymore.  In fact to Sam, he seemed like a rather ordinary joe . . . at first.
     From across the busy intersection Sam could see that he was wearing a pair of old no-name shoes, a pair of blue jeans and a brown long sleeve shirt.  The crosswalk sign gave the signal and Sam began to walk. As he came closer he could see that on his right arm Matthew was wearing a watch, no, a stopwatch, and very similar to the one he was wearing.  In his left hand he carried a cell phone which he talked into.  It was hard to tell what he was saying over the noise of the traffic but noting the concerned look on his face it was obviously something important.  Matthew also had dark brown eyes, which never stayed in one place, and above them was a mop of slightly tousled brown hair.
     When Sam was halfway across the intersection Matthew spotted him.  Quickly he ended the conversation with whoever he was talking to and slipped the phone into his pocket.  By then Sam was just stepping onto the sidewalk.
     “Hello there . . .” he began.
     “No time for that,” Matthew interrupted.
     “Or that.  I’ll introduce myself later.  But first, I gotta get you out o’ here.

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