Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Charlie Byers

Okay, where to start?

My little brother Benjamin is into to yo-yoing and has been so for about a year now. Benjamin also has a friend named Charlie Byers who is also a yo-er and is Benjamin's so called "yoyo teacher" (Charlie is the same age as my little brother). The thing is both Benjamin and Charlie started yo-yoing at the same time. It's an interesting story how they got all into spinning wheels attached to the ends of strings, but that's another story I don't have time to tell right now. As you can tell Charlie either spends all day yo-yoing or has some serious talent. Anyhow, what's the point of having an awesome story about a child prodigy if I don't have any evidence or some sort of proof to impress you with? Well, keep reading and you'll get just that.

Around this time last year Charlie headed down to Florida to see if he could place in the Florida State Yoyo Competition. At that time he had only been yo-yoing for a few months. Unfortunately he didn't place anything but was sure to try again next year. Try again he did . . . and placed third. Now, just in case you're wondering, he wasn't competing with guys his age, he was facing professional adult yo-ers. Pretty awesome. And now for the proof: below is a video his mom took of him doing his performance.


1 comment:

  1. Pretty awesome! Its great he got in third but it is also good he didnt kill anyone when he lost that yo-yo!
