Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Two Compositions

So, I recently finished up two of my compositions (see title). 

The first composition was one I had started back in November.  It had really been a kind of exercise I had set up for myself to get my crative juices flowing again after being in a session of dryness in composing.  Anyhow I had put it on hold for awhile (my creative juices had got flowin' so well from my exercise I couldn't stay on one project) and just recently finished it up.  Here is A Short Scene of the Mountains.

The next composition was also a sort of exercise, but more recent.  I guess when you're kind of green in composition anything new is an exercise :).  I had never composed much action/suspense music and wanted to try my hand at it.  So here is Flight to the Mountains (what is it with me and and my songs including the word "mountain"?).


All Music ©Daniel White Music 2009

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