Over the past weekend my family and I went on a vacation with all of my Mom's immediate family to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. It's been a tradition we've had going for several years now. I don't want to expound on this subject now, but I will give my favorite highlight of the trip. One day we headed over to the Museum of Appalachia, an awesome museum about an hour west and north of Gatlinburg.
Outside one of the buildings at the museum there were two musicians playing folk tunes on the violin and guitar. Naturally I was attracted to this performance (seeing I like both the violin and folk music). In between each song they would stop and talk to the listeners or ask for suggestions on songs to play. During one of these intermissions one of my relatives (I can't remember which one) mentioned to the performers that I played the violin (fiddle is what they called it). The performers expressed interest and asked if I wanted to join them in playing. Now I, being trained to play the violin mainly through classical music, was slightly hesitant. They went ahead and played a few more songs and once again asked if I wanted to play. I gave in. I played a few fiddle songs and they joined in with other instruments on the songs they knew. It was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed it and as far as I know I think they did too.
There's yer highlight.
I will leave you a song.
ORANGE BLOSSOM SPECIAL from Bill Murk on Vimeo.
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