Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mini Things.

Yesterday - like I do on most Mondays - I mowed the yard.  Our yard is quite large so it usually takes two to three hours to finish.  During these monotonous hours of Monday mowing (I just came up with that on the fly!) I usually have two, or sometimes three, sided conversations with myself.  I'll even base different sides of the conversation off of my friends.  It can get pretty intense (basically, awesome).

If I'm not carrying on a conversation I like to use the time to do a lot of good, hard thinking.  Not just ordinary thinking but thinking.  Like thinking about what it means to have true happiness, or why people love to dump the the Law of Moses when Jesus specifically said that he had not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17-18).  Yeah, thinking.

Other times when I mow I simply, well, daydream.  Today was one of those other times.  Now I will attempt to describe to you all that I daydreamed about (don't ask me why). 

At the start, when I first got on the mower, I was already thinking about all of my various friends and their personalities (now you know where I get the idea to include them in my conversations).  I noted how a sizable portion of my good friends are out-of-state.  Not to say that I don't have any good friends locally; I do.  I pondered this and after awhile came to the conclusion that the reason my out-of-state friends are really good ones is because in order for us to keep up a relationship we have had to make an effort to do so.  And in doing so it has made the friendship strong.

With that conclusion, the previous thread of thoughts came to a close.  For awhile I simply watched the grass being brutally run over, chopped to pieces, and then thrown back to whence it came.  It occurred to me how tough a plant grass actually is.  Think about it.  That's what I did.

After that, my thoughts hopped from one thing to another for awhile.  I cannot remember what all they hopped on.  During this time I kept on hitting rocks that would, when run over, make a loud noise and launch through the grass chute, disturbing my thoughts.  I became quite angry with the rocks and their rudeness of getting in the way of the mower.

Soon after this I finished up the section of the yard to be mowed with the riding mower and it was time to move on to the section to be done with the push mower (we mow the field beside our house with a riding mower and the grass around the house with a push mower).

Now, I have always been fascinated by small things, particularly scale model miniatures.  I've thought it would be cool to have a whole room just for creating miniature towns or scenes in.  Of course, even though it would be cool to have something like this, there wouldn't be a whole lot of practicality in it; it would be a hobby.  Not to say hobbies are impractical, it would just be an impractical hobby for me.  Miniature sets can become quite expensive to make and at this point in life I am looking for things that give me money rather than take.  I'm looking for assets.  I thought about mini things for a time as I push-mowed.  Now you can see why I titled this post "Mini Things."

After awhile my thoughts of mini things disintegrated and went on to many things, which I don't remember.  At any rate, soon after my thoughts went to many other things I finished up the last bit of yard, put all the mowing stuff away, and headed inside to freshen up for supper.  I really don't know were I'm going with all this but in any event you've had a small peek inside my head and saw how I think when I have nothing else to do (mowing requires very little brain work).

* * *

Before I sign off I just wanted to say: Happy Sixth of July Everyone!  I know, I know.  I'm a little late for the Fourth.  Speaking of the Fourth, I was going to tell you what we did on the Fourth.  Here's what we did, ready?  Nothing much.  Come to think of it we really just hung around the house the whole day until my parents and older brother went to a wedding in the evening.  I know what you're thinking: "how un-patriotic of them to not celebrate our very own country's birthday."  But just hold yer horses and don't get yer panties in a wad, because we did celebrate . . . on the third.  We went to some friends house, ate hamburgers and hot dogs and then lit some sparklers and in general, had a good time.  Isn't that the point of holidays? :P

Well, I'm getting tired of writing so I will leave you with a cool song:


'Til next time,
Yours Truly


  1. lol, wow! I really liked this post. I really liked what you said about putting effort into relationships with people outside of the state. It's the same for me! Seriously, like, the exact same thing... it must be a composer thing.
    I really like that song!!! Wow, I'm jealous... I wish I was that good!
    And yes, same here, we didn't do much for the 4th either. I just hung out with my family. :D
    Thanks for posting!

  2. Daniel White, you are just as insanely hilarious as I remember you! How are you? Haven't seen you in several years. I heard that you will be traveling to India this fall! That is awesome! I know that you and your family will be a shining light for Christ.

    Your Friend,

    Laura Lee Franklin

  3. Oh, wow. Yeah, I'm doing great these days. India here we come! How did you find out about my blog?

  4. Agreed. Quite funny. It's interesting to contrast how you order your thoughts to how I order mine. Quite different--part of why I thought it funny.

    Cool song.
